The Hunt

Jan 14, 2021

The yarn rapidly untwists itself,

Rolling down from its former perch,

From within the basket of temptation,

A tiny head pops out with glee,

Eyes trained upon its new toy,

Its tail twitching in anticipation,

Rising inside is the need to hunt,

The urge to go forth and conquer,

Instincts wielding sweet seduction,

Inducing the dance of the ancient,

The predator and its fleeing prey,

Muscles clenched for acceleration,

The bright colored eyes go wide,

Furry bodies streak into sight,

The hunt grows with competition,

The creature’s fluffy body launches,

Eyes narrowed on its pursued prey,

Only to suffer from disorientation,

Finding itself under the others,

They have swarmed upon the hunter,

Foiling its prey’s certain execution,

Loud footsteps draw near to the area,

The prey is picked up and taken away,

The hunt never to be finished to completion.

